Hole 1 & 10

Perhaps one of the most daunting opening holes of any golf course, Quail Ridge Hole #10 is our #1 handicap hole and for good reason: 500+ yards uphill, over water with hazardous woods along the right side.
Hole #10
Off the Tee: Big hitters from any tee may want to make a calculated club choice. Although the prevailing winds will generally be blowing towards you, you may not want to flirt with water on your opening shot. Shots left of the cart path tend to roll left with the slope.
Once on the landing area, you will now be faced with a long, uphill second shot over the stream with trouble on the right. A well played fairway wood or long iron towards the left center of the fairway is the best setup for going for the green in regulation.
On the approach shot, you will be faced with a large green with bunkers to the right and rear. For the higher handicap player, always play to the middle or favor the left. Right is trouble throughout this hole.
Hole #1
Off the Tee: Your tee shot is faced with a shot over the stream with trouble on the right. A well played driver towards the left center of the fairway is the best setup for going for the green in regulation.
On the approach shot, you will be faced with a large green with bunkers to the right and rear. For the higher handicap player, always play to the middle or favor the left. Right is trouble throughout this hole.
Hole 2 & 11
Now that you have the kinks out, you have a grand view of the fairway of #2.
Tee Shot: The key here from any tee is to at least reach the bunker to the right just ahead of the yellow tees. This will give you a look at the #2 & 11 green. Anything short, you will be forced into a lay-up to get to the corner. With this dogleg left a well placed tee shot is the key.
Approach: Once at the corner you will have a shot to an alcove green. Deep Bunker to the left side, a shot favoring the right is a safe bet. Careful of the branch overhanging the fairway on the left.
Hole 3 & 12

Off the tee, driver or 3 wood is the play. The shorter player’s best chance is to drive the ball into good position and play the second shot to the right of the fairway. This should put you in the 125–140 yd. range where a good shot will get you to the green. The longer player will be faced with a long second shot of 200yds +\- but the deep, tiered green is very receptive to a long iron or hybrid. A short, left approach can leave you wet due to the embankment.
Hole 4 & 13

The trick on this hole is you have to get it on the green to keep the ball in play yet you do not want to go over where the back is surrounded by deep grass bunkers. The right club selection is most important. Good news is the green runs wide from left to right but the depth is scant. Take enough club to get there! Headwinds are usually blowing on this one.
Hole 5 & 14

For the big hitters the pond may come into play with the driver. Goal here is get close to the pond and have a shorter iron shot to the green. A 3wood left of the fairway bunkers will give you 150 to the green.
Approach: Two deep bunkers protect the right side of the green. Beware of water if you pull the drive to the left.
Great elevation views from black tees looking back on first and ninth holes.
Hole 6 & 15
Off the tee a long drive can find its way to the green. Avoid the pond with the infinity view crossing the fairway. Driver off the tee is risky; a 3 wood or hybrid club to the top of the slope will give you a bird’s eye view of the green from 100 yards out. Bunker protects left side of the green and going long spells disaster.

Hole 7 & 16

Avoid far left side of the fairway as most balls will kick left down into the woods. Also a pond if you go too far right. Aim over the left edge of the fairway bunker. Don’t need a lot of length off the tee for a short iron to the green for hole 16. 16th green is like a postage stamp, slopes back to front and is guarded by bunkers in front and back.
7th hole is a dogleg left par 5. Reachable in 2 shots for the long hitters with a little risk. The smart play is to hit a second shot that leaves you under 100 yards from the green.
Hole #8 & 17 – Par 4
9th & 18th hole – Par 3