Members Reservation page:
Do you or your children enjoy a refreshing swim on a hot summer day? If so, you’ll spend a lot of time at Quail Ridge, where the 3,200 square-foot outdoor pool is as beautiful as it is fun. It is located conveniently close to the Family Center, so you can easily use the snack bar and full changing facilities.
Designed to Thrill and Chill
The pool area features a baby pool for the youngest members and a zero-grade entry to the main pool that makes it safe for toddlers and small children. Our mushroom fountain delights children of all ages, particularly on hot summer days.
In a section separated by a lifeguard station peninsula, is an open, five-foot-deep swimming area with 75-foot swim lanes for older, more experienced swimmers and swim team competitions.
There’s over 4,500 square feet of decking surrounding the pool, providing plenty of room for sunbathers to relax. We have made our pool area a welcomed oasis from “to do” lists. Shaded tables provide ample space for family lunches and early evening dinners.
Red Cross-Certified Lifeguards & Instructors
Swimming at Quail Ridge is supervised by Red Cross-trained life guards. We also offer swimming lessons. Summers mean swimming, sunshine, and socializing, and you’ll find them all at Quail Ridge.
2025 Pool Hours *** Daily Reservations required. ***
Time slots 11-1:30pm, 2-4:30pm or 5-7:30pm
Members Reservation page:
Opening Date Memorial Day Weekend. Friday May 23, 2024 3:30pm-7:30pm
Open Saturday May 24 – Monday May 26th. 11am – 7:30pm
Closed Tuesday May 27th – Thursday May 29th
Open Friday May 30th – Sunday June 1st. 11am – 7:30pm
Closed Monday June 2nd – Thursday June 5th
Open every day beginning Friday June 6th
June hours beginning Friday June 6th- 11am – 7:30pm. Daily Reservations required.
Time slots 11-1:30pm, 2-4:30pm or 5-7:30pm
July 1st – Labor Day – 11am-7:30pm Daily Reservations required.